Gallery Main > Gallery 02

Gallery 02

Again, Blender can make some surprisingly nice quick-n-dirty blueprints.
VirtualScratchbuilder figures that the Orion heavy cruiser is approximately 600 feet (180 meters) long. That sounds reasonable to me. This would make the two guns under the saucer about one meter in diameter and 20 meters long. If the saucer was the same size as the one on the starship Enterprise, those guns would have the same diameter as a subway train tunnel, and could probably annihilate Alderaan. The images are of a 180 meter Orion next to the Enterprise. The Enterprise mesh was created by William "TallGuy" Thomas.
As previously mentioned, since the Stardate 3000 line was constructed out of HO gauge train parts, one can re-use the modules. In about 15 minutes I created the mesh for the Perseus cruiser out of parts from the Orion heavy cruiser.
Noted 3D artist Luca Oleastri used my Orion mesh and made this stunning recreation of the original lead miniature artwork. Do check out Mr. Oleastri website.